Please review each step of this process below to be certain that this is the service you are interested in. Target Samples are analyzed locally by our contract lab partner. Samples analyzed by this method are run through a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer and then formulated based on the resulting material list. Due to the technical nature of this process, we have a specific target sample and minimum ordering requirements, which can be found below.
Step 1:Β Set up a virtual or studio appointment for your GCMS Fragrance Duplication. We ask that you provide the target fragrance name and the date that you acquired first acquired this target sample in the spaces provided on this page, prior to adding this service to your cart.Β
Step 2:Β Send us your target for processing. A target must be at least .33 fluid ounces of perfume, cologne, or fragrance oil that is freshly batched. To achieve the best possible results, samples should be as freshly made as possible. Chemicals change and evaporate over time, so an older target will not necessarily duplicate well. While the GCMS may read out the correct materials contained in the target sample, a fresh batch may smell different than an older target which will have matured and changed over time.
Step 3:Β When your target sample arrives at our facility, the order status will be updated to " GCMS Target Received - Queued". Duplications are started in the order they are received. Please be sure to plan ahead, as it can take from 6-12 weeks before work begins on your duplication, based on our current order volume. Once work begins, your order status will be changed to "GCMS Duplication In Production". Our lab will generally work on a fragrance for 1-10 business days, depending on the complexity of the target and the materials required for formulation.Β
Step 4:Β Once an approval sample is formulated (in the form of fragrance oil), we will ship it to you for approval. We ask that you contact us with your approval within 7 business days.
Step 5:Β The completed GCMS Duplication will be added to our online catalog for ordering. Fragrances created via the Β GCMS Duplication process will have a first-order minimum volume of 10 kilos in the concentration of your choice. After this initial order, the resulting fragrance oil will be made available through our online catalog in this minimum volume (per purchase). Exclusivity is available as an add-on option, in which this fragrance formula will be held off our catalog and only made available to you. An exclusivity fee will be charged, and an exclusivity agreement will be executed. The price of the oil will be set based on the materials required for formulation, though we will always attempt to price as affordably as possible.
This is a standalone service. Please do not add any other products, otherwise, they will be removed from your order. Because of the nature of this service, the process may take a few weeks from start to finish, so any additional items would be held up -- they need to go on a separate order. Β Please contact us if time is of the essence.